
How To Wash Silk Nightgown? 7 things you need to know

29 Mar 2024

Silk nightgowns are the epitome of comfort and elegance. But when it comes to washing them,  many people worry about damaging the delicate fabric. Fear not! With a little know-how, you can keep your washable silk nightgown looking and feeling luxurious for years to come.

This guide will walk you through everything you need to know, from checking for colorfastness to hand and machine washing tips – even for nightgowns with lace or breast pads.

How Do I Know If My Silk Nightgown is Colorfast

Before you dive headfirst into washing your silk nightgown, it's crucial to check if the color is fast. Colorfastness simply means the dye won't bleed or run during washing, potentially staining other garments. Here's a quick and easy test to ensure a worry-free wash:

  1. Find a hidden seam: Look for an internal seam on your nightgown, like the one where the side panels meet. These often have a small fabric sample attached.
  2. Prep your test area: If there's no sample, gently cut a tiny piece of fabric (about the size of a pea) from a hidden seam allowance. Don't worry, this won't affect the wearability of your nightgown.
  3. Get wet, white, and wise: Dampen a clean, white cloth (ideally cotton) with cool water.
  4. The rubbing reveal: Gently rub the damp cloth against the hidden fabric sample (or the snipped piece) for a few seconds.
  5. Inspect for color transfer: Now, the big reveal! Examine the white cloth. If any color shows on it, your silky nightgown is not colorfast and requires special care (we'll discuss alternatives later). However, if the white cloth remains pristine, you're good to proceed with washing your nightgown using the appropriate method.

Bonus Tip: If you don't have a hidden seam or feel uncomfortable snipping a piece, some manufacturers include care instructions with a colorfastness symbol. Look for a small square with an "X" inside – this indicates the color might not be fast and requires dry cleaning.

By performing this simple test, you can ensure a safe and successful washing experience for your luxurious silk nightgown.

What Temperature do you Wash Silk Nightgown

When it comes to washing your silk slip nightgown, water temperature plays a crucial role. Unlike cotton or other everyday fabrics, silk requires a gentler touch. Here's why opting for cool water is the best approach:

  • Silk's Delicate Nature: Silk is a protein fiber, similar to human hair. Hot water can damage these delicate proteins, causing the fibers to weaken, shrink, or lose their characteristic sheen.
  • Maintaining the Luster: Cool water helps preserve the smooth, lustrous texture of silk. Hot water can cause the fibers to roughen, leading to a dull and lifeless appearance.

Therefore, 🧺cool water (ideally between 68°F and 85°F (20°C and 30°C)) is the recommended temperature for washing your silky nightgown.

However, there are a few exceptions to consider:

  • Pre-treating Stains: For stubborn stains, you might need to pre-treat the area with a gentle stain remover specifically designed for delicates. Some stain removers might require lukewarm water (around 90°F or 32°C) for activation, but always follow the specific product instructions carefully.
  • Heavily Soiled Nightgowns: If your nightgown is heavily soiled, you can opt for a slightly warmer wash temperature (around 85°F or 30°C). However, exercise caution and never exceed 95°F (35°C) as this can still damage the silk.

Remember: When in doubt, always err on the side of caution and use cooler water.

Can You Machine Wash a Silk Nightgown

The convenience of a washing machine might seem like a tempting option for your womens silk nightgown. But the answer to whether you should machine wash depends on a few factors. Let's explore the pros and cons to help you decide:

Pros of Machine Washing Silk Nightgown

Convenience: Machine washing can certainly save time and effort compared to handwashing.

Suitable for Lightly Soiled Nightgowns: For nightgowns with minimal dirt or sweat, a gentle machine wash can be effective.

Cons of Machine Washing Silk Nightgown

Risk of Damage: Silk is a delicate fabric, and even a gentle machine cycle can cause snags, tears, or shrinkage if not done correctly.

Harsh Agitation: The agitation in a washing machine can be too much for silk, causing the fibers to break down and lose their softness.

Excessive Spinning: High spin speeds can wrinkle silk and damage the fibers.

Strictly follow these precautions when machine washing

  1. Check the Care Label: Always prioritize the care instructions on your specific nightgown's label. Some silk garments might be machine washable, while others might require handwashing.
  2. Delicate Cycle Only: Use the gentlest cycle available on your washing machine, often labeled as "delicates" or "hand wash."
  3. Mesh Laundry Bag: Place your nightgown inside a mesh laundry bag to protect it from snags and abrasion during the wash cycle.
  4. Mild Detergent is Key: Opt for a gentle detergent specifically formulated for delicates. Avoid harsh detergents or bleach, which can damage silk.
  5. Skip the Hot Water: As discussed earlier, use cool water (ideally between 68°F and 85°F (20°C and 30°C)) to maintain the silk's integrity.
  6. Minimize Spinning: If possible, choose the lowest spin speed setting or opt to skip spinning altogether. You can then remove excess water by gently pressing the nightgown with a clean towel.
Can You Machine Wash a Silk Nightgown

By following these guidelines, you can minimize the risk of damaging your 100 silk nightgown in the washing machine. However, for the most luxurious care and to ensure longevity, handwashing is always the safest option.

How To Hand Wash Your Silk Nightgown

If your pure silk nightgown isn't labeled as machine washable, or you prefer to take extra care of your delicates, then handwashing is the best option. This method ensures a gentle cleansing that preserves the luxurious feel and longevity of your silk garment. Here's a step-by-step guide to keep your silk feeling pampered:

What You'll Need

A clean basin or sink: 🚰

Cool water (ideally between 68°F and 85°F (20°C and 30°C)): 💧

Gentle detergent for delicates (look for terms like "silk wash" or "wool wash")🧼

Mild white vinegar (optional): 🍶

Clean, white towels: 🛁

Step-By-Step Guide

  1. Fill the Basin: Fill your basin or sink with cool water.
  2. Gently Add Detergent: Pour a small amount of your gentle detergent into the water. Opt for a ph-neutral detergent designed for delicates as harsh chemicals can damage silk.
  3. Submerge Your Nightgown: Gently unfold your nightgown and submerge it completely in the soapy water. Let it soak for 5-10 minutes, depending on the level of soiling.
  4. Optional Stain Treatment: For minor stains, you can pre-treat the area with a gentle stain remover specifically designed for delicates. Always follow the product instructions carefully and test it on an inconspicuous area first.
  5. Swishing, Not Scrubbing: Avoid harsh scrubbing or agitation. Instead, gently swish the nightgown in the water a few times to loosen any dirt.
  6. Rinse Thoroughly: Drain the soapy water and rinse the nightgown thoroughly with cool water until all traces of detergent are removed. You can repeat this process a couple of times to ensure complete rinsing.
  7. Optional Vinegar Rinse: For a final touch of softness and to neutralize any leftover soap residue, add a tablespoon of white vinegar to a basin of cool water. Rinse your nightgown briefly in this solution and then rinse again with plain cool water.
  8. Gently Remove Excess Water: Do not wring or twist the nightgown, as this can damage the delicate fibers. Instead, lay it flat on a clean, white towel. Roll the towel gently, pressing down to absorb excess moisture.
  9. Air Dry, Flat and Pampered: Lay your nightgown flat on another clean, white towel in a well-ventilated area away from direct sunlight or heat sources. Silk dries quickly, so it should be ready to wear within a few hours.

Washing Silk Nightgowns with Lace

Washing Silk Nightgowns with Lace

Extra Gentle Handling: Lace is even more delicate than silk itself. Be extra careful when handling your nightgown, avoiding any rough scrubbing or pulling.

Mesh Laundry Bag is Your Friend: Place your nightgown in a mesh laundry bag before washing. This helps prevent snags and tears on the lace during agitation in the machine (if you choose to machine wash) or from rubbing against other garments while handwashing.

Targeted Stain Treatment: If there are any stains specifically on the lace, pre-treat them with a gentle stain remover designed for delicates. Test the product on an inconspicuous area of the lace first.

Air Drying is Key: Lace can shrink or lose its shape when exposed to high heat. Always air dry your nightgown with lace flat on a clean towel away from direct sunlight or heat sources.

Washing Silk Nightgowns with Padded Cups

Washing Silk Nightgowns with Padded Cups

Removable is Best: If your nightgown has removable padded cups, take them out before washing. This allows you to wash the nightgown and cups separately, ensuring a more thorough clean for both.

Handwashing is Recommended: For nightgowns with padded cups, handwashing is generally the safest option. The gentle swishing motion minimizes the risk of damaging the shape or support of the cups.

Support the Cups: While handwashing, gently cradle the padded cups to prevent them from losing their shape. Avoid wringing or twisting the cups, as this can damage the filling material.

Reshape While Damp: After rinsing, gently reshape the padded cups to their original form while they are still damp. Lay the nightgown flat on a towel and reshape the cups with your hands.

Drying Tip: You can place a clean, absorbent towel inside each cup to help them maintain their shape while drying. Just remember to remove the towels once the cups are mostly dry to prevent mildew growth.

Special Care for Non-Colorfast Silk Nightgowns

If your women silk nightgowns flunked the colorfastness test, fret not! There are still ways to keep it clean and luxurious. Here's what you should do for non-colorfast silk nightgowns:

  • Dry Cleaning is Your Friend: Since water can cause dye bleeding, dry cleaning is the safest option. Reputable dry cleaners understand how to handle delicate fabrics like silk and will use specialized cleaning solutions to keep your nightgown looking its best.
  • Spot Cleaning: For minor stains, try spot cleaning with a gentle detergent specifically formulated for delicates. Always test the product on a hidden area first to ensure it doesn't cause discoloration.
  • Air It Out: Silk is naturally resistant to odors, so frequent washing isn't always necessary. Regularly airing out your nightgown in a well-ventilated area can help refresh it between washes.

Remember: While these options provide some cleaning power, they might not be as effective for heavily soiled non-colorfast silk nightgowns. In such cases, consulting a professional dry cleaner is highly recommended.

FAQs about Washing Silk Nightgowns

Keeping your pure silk nightgown clean and luxurious might raise some questions. Here are some commonly asked questions and detailed answers to help you care for your delicate garment:

Q1. I noticed a stain on my silky nightgown. Can I remove it myself?

A1. Yes, you might be able to remove minor stains on your silk nightgown. However, it's crucial to act quickly and use the right approach. Here's what to do:

  • Identify the stain: Knowing the source of the stain (e.g., makeup, food) can help determine the best removal method.
  • Always test first: Before applying any stain remover, test it on a hidden area of the silky nightgown, like an inner seam, to ensure it doesn't cause discoloration.
  • Use a gentle touch: Avoid harsh scrubbing or abrasive cleaning agents. Opt for a gentle stain remover specifically designed for delicates.
  • Blot, don't rub: When treating the stain, blot the area with a clean, white cloth dampened with the stain remover. Don't rub, as this can spread the stain further.
  • Seek professional help for tough stains: For stubborn stains or if you're unsure about the stain type, it's best to consult a professional dry cleaner.

Q2. Can I put my womens silk nightgown in the dryer?

A2. Absolutely not! High heat from a dryer can damage the delicate silk fibers, causing shrinkage, wrinkles, and loss of its beautiful luster. Always air dry your silk nightgown flat on a clean towel in a well-ventilated area away from direct sunlight or heat sources.

Q3. My silk slip nightgown is wrinkled after washing. Can I iron it?

A3. Yes, you can iron your silk nightgown, but with caution. Here are some key points to remember:

  • Use lowest heat setting
  • Iron the clothes inside out
  • Use a pressing cloth
  • Don't iron for too long

Or you could click here to learn more about how to iron silk.

Q4. How often should I wash my real silk nightgown?

A1. Silk is naturally resistant to odors, so frequent washing isn't necessary. You can air out your nightgown regularly in a well-ventilated area to freshen it up between washes. However, if you've worn it for several nights or notice any visible dirt or stains, then a gentle hand wash is recommended.

Q5. Can I store my pure silk nightgown on a hanger?

A5. It's best to avoid hanging your silk nightgown for long periods, as the weight of the garment can cause it to stretch over time. Here are some better storage options:

👗Folded storage: Fold your nightgown neatly and store it in a cool, dry place. You can use acid-free tissue paper between the folds for added protection.

🗄️Drawer storage: Storing your nightgown in a drawer helps maintain its shape and prevents wrinkles. Use a lingerie bag for delicate items to keep your nightgown dust-free.

By following these tips and addressing these common questions, you can ensure your silk nightgown stays beautiful and comfortable for a long time.


In summary, caring for your silk nightgowns is essential to maintain their luxurious feel and exquisite appearance. By following the tips and guidelines provided in this guide, you can ensure that your garments remain soft, smooth, and beautiful for years to come.

From testing for colorfastness to choosing the right washing method for your specific garment, we've covered everything you need to know to keep your women silk nightgowns in pristine condition. Remember to handle your garments with care, use gentle detergents, and avoid harsh chemicals to preserve their quality.

With these simple yet effective techniques, you can enjoy the comfort and elegance of your silk slip nightgowns for many nights to come. Thank you for joining us on this journey through the art of silk care, and don't hesitate to reach out if you have any further questions or concerns.

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